Coldwell Banker Commercial


The Coldwell Banker Commercial® brand(CBC) is a worldwide leader in the commercial real estate industry, and is part of the oldest and most respected national real estate brand in the country, Coldwell Banker Real Estate. Coldwell Banker Commercial is an Anywhere (NYSE: HOUS) brand, a global leader in real estate franchising and provider of real estate brokerage, relocation and settlement services.

Recent articles

  • Insights

    Watch for These 3 Tech Cities to Bloom Outside of Silicon Valley

    Silicon Valley has dominated the tech scene from the beginning, but now, other cities are fast becoming tech cities. These cities offer low living and commercial space costs for a fraction of the costs in traditional tech cities. They are attracting the millennial workforce to their blooming tech startup cultures.

  • Industrial

    5 Industries Interested in Industrial Flex Space Right Now

    Continuing on last year’s success, the industrial market is still facing ever-tightening space on the coasts and in city hubs all across the country. Mainly spurred by the logistical challenges e-commerce creates, the market shrinks.

  • Retail

    Why Grocery Stores are the New “Mall” of Our Era

    For decades, large department stores served as the anchor store for malls and shopping centers. The anchor is the main attraction, while all of the other retail shops inside of the mall pay the majority of the lease. Without the anchor, the mall dies. Could grocery stores replace department stores as our era's new “mall”?

  • News


    Coldwell Banker Commercial Affiliates announced its 2017 year-end award recipients in numerous company, office, and affiliated professional categories. The award winners were announced at the 2018 Coldwell Banker Commercial Global Conference in Orlando, Florida.

  • Office

    10 Cities Where the Office Market is Not Flat

    Reuters reported at the end of last year's third quarter that the office vacancy rate had remained flat at around 16% for three straight quarters. Experts have predicted that the office market will continue to remain generally flat throughout 2018. Yet despite those numbers, some cities are really thriving.

  • Insights

    What is a FinTech Startup? (And Why Should CRE Care?)

    Ten years ago, the industry barely existed. Today, it is a multibillion industry in the U.S. Although the majority of the top financial technology or “FinTech” startups are small business and individual lenders, blockchain and cryptocurrency companies, and data analytics firms, several FinTech startups are impacting CRE.

  • Retail

    Will Airports be the Next Big Retail Win?

    Last year, we reported on a trend happening in Asia that is finding its way to the U.S.: the shipping container building movement. As retail looks for ways to get back into brick-and-mortar and for a reprieve from struggling malls, could U.S. airports be the next big win in retail?

  • Insights

    Where Will Infrastructure Spending Have the Most Impact?

    Last month, President Trump discussed a massive infrastructure bill to improve the nation’s roads and bridges. Using a strategy of private-public partnerships, if this bill comes to fruition, it could have a big impact on some of the states with the worst infrastructure in the country while providing huge opportunities for CRE investors.

  • Industrial

    4 Not-So-Obvious Reasons Why Warehouses are Hot Investments Right Now

    Vacancy rates are at all-time lows. Absorption rates are at their highest. The “industrial sector has outperformed all other property types with double-digit total returns” according to the Integra Realty Resources 25th annual Viewpoint report covering the commercial real estate industry.

  • Insights

    Spring into Social Media: 5 Ways to Dust Off Your Social Presence this Spring

    Spring may be coming early this year, which is a good sign that you should start dusting off your social media presence a little early this spring, too. If you’ve let your social media channels die off over the last few months, it’s time to refresh. Here are some of our top tips for springing into social media this spring.

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